
Anode oxidation is an electro-chemical process used for coating the aluminum profile surface with a controlled layer of aluminum oxide in the form of crystal coating.

Anodizing is a process characteristically used for aluminum, whereby a chemical process is used to modify the aluminum surface to aluminum oxide (Al203), the so-called eloxal, which functions as a protective layer against corrosion and other harmful exterior impacts. Aluminum-eloxal qualities (AlMgSi0,5) are needed for successful anodizing.

The layer depth is between 12 and 30 µ.

The tones of anodizing range from the color of aluminum, through bronze hues all the way to black. Special processes are used to produce blue, red or green colors. Coloring is done using inorganic cobalt-based pigments, manganese-based, or organic pigments (though, less often).

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